Auto Insurance

Best Car Insurance Rates in Wisconsin

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Are you looking for the best car insurance rates Wisconsin? We can help. Auto insurance is a basic requirement, but finding affordable coverage in Wisconsin can be challenging. That’s why looking into different insurance options is extremely important. The best auto insurance companies in Wisconsin offer coverage that is both affordable and good. 

Auto insurance costs per month

The best car insurance rates in Wisconsin are different for each person. Using the national averages for driver payments ($1,186 per year for full coverage and $332 per year for minimum coverage), we can estimate the following prices:

  • Full coverage costs an average of $98.83 per month
  • On average, minimum coverage costs $27.67 a month

Which companies in Wisconsin offer inexpensive car insurance?

Shopping around is the best way to ensure you get the best car insurance rate. The price for your insurance can also depend on your ZIP code, as some places may have more local insurance agents than others. But on average, Erie, USAA, Geico, State Farm, and Wisconsin Automobile Club offer the cheapest premiums for drivers in Wisconsin.

The Most Affordable Car Insurance Rates

See below for premiums that some of Wisconsin’s most prominent insurers charge for car coverage. 

Because prices vary so widely, we recommend you do some comparison shopping. Using this information, you might be able to find the most affordable service provider.


Car insurance company

Average annual premium

for minimum coverage

Average annual premium

for full coverage

American Family












Hastings Mutual



Penn National



Rural Mutual









West Bend



Western National



 The best city car insurance rates in Wisconsin

The prices listed below represent, on an average basis, what customers in Wisconsin’s populated areas have to pay.

The following table compares the premiums in each city in Wisconsin compared to the annual average premium for comprehensive coverage.


Average annual premium for full coverage

% difference from

state average annual premium













Green Bay









Eau Claire



The Best car insurance rates in Wisconsin for Different Age groups.

Age does not represent the only factor that influences premium costs. Age is a major factor in underwriting. Drivers in Wisconsin could expect their premiums to be around the amounts listed below for each age group.



Average annual premium in Wisconsin

Age 16


Age 18


Age 20


Age 25


Age 30


Age 40


Age 50


Age 60


Age 70


The Best car insurance rates in Wisconsin for Driving Record

Insurance rates will increase significantly after the following:

  1. Traffic violation
  2. An accident
  3. DUI conviction

Also, you may pay more for insurance if you have a criminal record.

Driving incident

Average annual full

coverage premium in Wisconsin

% increase of average

annual premium

Traffic Violation









How much does Wisconsin car insurance cost?

The insurance requirements in your state are just one of many things that affect how much you pay for car insurance. Other things that affect auto insurance rates in Wisconsin are your age, whether or not you’re married, and how much coverage you choose. However, many other things could have an effect:

  • Your city
  • History of Driving
  • Deductible \Discounts
  • Insurance provider
  • Marital status 
  • Credit score.

Wisconsin’s premiums are the sixth cheapest out of all 50 states.

Want to save money on Wisconsin car insurance?

Here are some options worth considering:

  1. Raising your deductible:

The insurance company probably gives you a choice of deductible amounts. Your monthly charges will be reduced if you raise your deductible amount. 

  1. Drive an old car: 

The cost of repairing older vehicles and the premiums required to insure them are typically lower. There is a possibility that you could get a discount for having certain safety features. You will be able to save the most money possible as a result.

  1. Compare insurance companies: 

Car insurance rates vary from one insurance company to the next. Each company has a different way of figuring out prices. You can’t just assume that the prices will be the same everywhere. Getting quotes from different companies for the same coverage could be helpful.

  1. Compare discounts: 

In some cases, competing companies may present equal cost savings. One of them might help you save finances more than the other. To understand the monetary value of each offer, you will probably need to consult with a representative.


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